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The Morning Show with Jennie and Davis

Jan 26, 2021

This episode is about creating a system for how to take-in and organize information. Not all information is worth your time to process and act on - and some of it is absolutely critical to act on. We discuss what’s important and how to ensure it all gets done.


Action Steps:

  1. Stop remembering everything! Try out an...

Jan 19, 2021

This episode is about not letting your fear of pain keep you from making good decisions for yourself. Anything worth having in life will inevitably come with a bit of pain. But is it more painful if you don’t have anything worthwhile in life?


Action Steps:

  1. Identify your fear by saying “fear is not a reason”...

Jan 12, 2021

This episode is about taking time to realize and appreciate your progress as you work toward a goal. Most times our brains only remember our mistakes and tribulations - which can put us in a pretty dark spot.

Action Steps:

  1. Write down all your accomplishments at the end of every day. No accomplishment is too small or...

Jan 5, 2021

This episode is about dealing with the fact that not everybody will understand changes you’re choosing to make in your life. Sometimes this hurts because you’re secretly seeking their approval. Some peoples’ approval isn’t worth seeking.


Action Steps:

  1. Clearly outline what you’re trying to accomplish in 4...