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The Morning Show with Jennie and Davis

Nov 23, 2021

This episode is about how we want you to spend time with the people you care about most over Thanksgiving! It’s a VERY short show, but we want you to know we appreciate you! We’ll be back soon!

Nov 16, 2021

This episode is about how and why you need to stop letting your brain sit in its own filth. When our minds get stuck in a rut or in a dark, sad place, we need to change up our scenery and introduce our brains to something positive and new!


Action Steps:

  1. Take showers!!! 
  2. Buy a best-selling book about something you...

Nov 2, 2021

This episode is about how assuming the worst often causes the worst to come true. The thoughts and beliefs you hold about reality and humanity are what you’re going to start seeing around choose to hold a positive mindset!


Action Steps:

1.What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

  1. Limit your time...